I worked as an Assistant Brand Manager at Cemoi Chocolatier, in France.
My role included developing the yearly product catalogue with our creative agency to showcase our product collection. I worked on developing new packaging for our star products; Petit Ourson Guimauve Babies and Cemoi Nature chocolate bars. I supervised the update of the collection Cemoi Palet de chocolat a cuisiner and Cemoi Rocher Guimauve as shown below….and yes, I did get the odd bit of free chocolate!
My role included developing the yearly product catalogue with our creative agency to showcase our product collection. I worked on developing new packaging for our star products; Petit Ourson Guimauve Babies and Cemoi Nature chocolate bars. I supervised the update of the collection Cemoi Palet de chocolat a cuisiner and Cemoi Rocher Guimauve as shown below….and yes, I did get the odd bit of free chocolate!
I managed the Cemoi Stand at the famous Salon du Chocolat in Paris, with over 20,00 visitors, and developed recipe cards for consumers at the animation stand.